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Author Topic: Ep 30-31 Stuff (there was no room to discuss it on episodes forum)  (Read 1724 times)


  • Grey Guard
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  • Posts: 5
  • Fallow Fangirl
So after episode 30 I just have this major gut feeling that

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Dain is an Ol. He just seems Maybe that's just the English dub VA making it seem so suspicious. Idunno. He seems weird to me. XD

And since I usually get horror movie (fav movie genre lol) type plot twists a mile away due to having watched so much of them and can spot some foreshadowing like crazy, I'm going to have a heart attack if I am wrong. < .<

Also I really like Ols. They're the cutest. Ol-y Olsies. <3

I know Ols don't eat (high grades ones can), but do they sleep? Hmmmm..........

Episode 44 now.

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They said there's a spy and I immediately point at Dain and shout YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUu. XD No regrets, even if I am wrong. I really don't think he's the heir.............for some reason I always thought Lief would somehow be, being this is a very cliche type story and all (the chosen ones to quest always end up being the "main guy" somehow in those types of jRPGs - I'm probably thinking too much about Dragon Quest XD - soooo lol plus when Jasmine said she thinks the heir is closer, pretty sure she meant she thought Lief was the heir somehow. I still haven't worked out how, but yeah.) Also Fallow-kun in this episode. *fangirlish squealing agoooo*

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Oh well nvm. Guess Dain is the heir. The belt gems started to dull and I was like HA THEY GOT YA! But then Ichabod crashes through and I'm like "oh" lol q .q Glock is so cute though. Always thought so but he's adorable in the last few eps lol

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FALLOW-KUN'S DORKY LAUGH GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh, MY HEART CANNOT WITH HIM. <3 UGHHHH someone let me have that man. q .q I have a mighty need.
Also............Dain evil laughed and wouldn't touch the belt. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew he was evil af! asdfghjkl;' YAS. I'm not stupid after all. XDDD I have one other suspicion about a character (Doom) but I'll see if I'm right or wrong abouts that. > .<;; 

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OMG I WAS RIGHT ABOUT DAIN and ALSO ABOUT DOOM (i think if thats really means that it's her father lol I always thought they looked alike and he did lose his memory.........) also I'm so happy Fallow-kun had somewhat of a hand in destroying Dain. lol That purple-hair nobody thought he really was going to replace him. Nope nope nope.

Although I'm p sure Fallow-kun will probably die at some point extremely soon so I'm scared to continue the episodes since it's so close to the end.............well the end that this site has? It says there's 52 in all, but I also saw episode "60-something" listed somewhere so..........yeah..........

His laugh is it's killing me. My heart is melting. That dorky laugh I just caaaaan't. q ////////////o/////////////q somebody please save that sinnamonroll. Give him plot armor somehow. Do iT fOr HiM
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 07:38:05 PM by FallowPls »